Posted by David on Monday, May 23, 2011
Anhi:Having some Obedience issue's, Been concentrating get that fixed this week. Doing ok.
Bunsy: Had a bad week in the beginning, seem to have ended on an up note.
Vanna:Done on miniT and I will wait till I am back North to move on. Obedience has been very good.
Dandy: Still limping once in awhile and has regressed in obedience. Even knocked her owner down this week.
Violet: MiniT and obedience have been great this week. Getting all our ducks in a row, FINALLY.
Cemmy: Doing very well all around. Passed 2 JH tests this weekend.
Sonny: Doing very good all around, finally getting some control.
Remington:I wish Remington was as under control as his son sonny. When he wants to be a team player he is great, when he thinks he can do it all, he will not listen at all.
Sia: Doing good, needs more sit. Broke at the hunt test this week end.
Albert:Needs work on casting, everything else seems to be falling in line.
Scout: Doing good unless he over heats before I can work him then just wants to quit.