Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

Browsing Archive: April, 2012

Update April 30

Posted by David on Monday, April 30, 2012,

Sorry for the missed update last week. Had a death in the family and it just did not get done.


Axle: Stalled in 3 Handed Cast and distance block. Stubborn little cuss. He is showing small improvements each day.

Rowdy: Marks are holding up well and started mini-T. Almost out of season.

Vanna: Marks and blinds very good, just eats blinds. Coming into season, so things may slow down.

Anhi: Not much better.

Violet: Came in season and her attitude has improved some. Will most likely be b...

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Update April 16

Posted by David on Monday, April 16, 2012,

Axle: Hold and ear Pinch done. Going pretty good in walking fetch, distance block working out slooowly. Did a good Gun Station mark today.

Rowdy: Marks are great, done with s handed cast, on to pile work.

Vanna: Marks and blinds very good, getting confidence in blind worj.

Anhi: Has completely falling apart, no effort at all this week.

Violet: Doing a little better, more good days than bad.

Cemmy: Still running great, marks, blinds, land, and water. Ditto this week.


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Update April 9

Posted by David on Tuesday, April 10, 2012,
Weather has cooled down some, much more comfortable for us snow birds.


Axle: Collar Conditioning done. Into Hold and Force Fetch/Trained Retrieve, fighting just a little. Has a minor distance block for marks.

Rowdy: Force Fetch/Trained Retrieve done, into Walking Fetch and started Collar Fetch. Marks are good.

Vanna: Marks on land and water are good. Still showing she does not completely understand casting.

Anhi: Marking well, swimming not improving.

Violet: Marks and blinds doing just f...

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April 2

Posted by David on Monday, April 2, 2012,

Axle: 1 more day of Collar Conditioning and on to Force Fetch. Doing just fine.

Rowdy: Force fetch is going great, hold only took 2 days. Picking the buck off the ground today. Retrieving well in the field too. 

Vanna: Doing well on land and water marks. Blinds need some work, still a little confused.

Anhi: Still not swimming well.

Violet: Blinds better, sits good, marks doing fine.

Cemmy: Running hard and doing great. May be coming in season, we plan to breed her.


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