Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

Browsing Archive: March, 2012

Update March 26

Posted by David on Monday, March 26, 2012,

Axle: On lead obedience is very good, should be in Collar Conditioning late this week. Sit, heel, and down are all very good, stays are coming fast.

Rowdy: Obedience is great, collar Conditioning is done. Will start force fetch on Wenesday.

Vanna: Coming along well. Running her 1st blinds and marking well too.

Anhi: Has BIIIG Mommy Factor, works ok when mom is not around, but if mom is near forget it.

Violet: Blinds and marks are tuning up nicely. A little remote sit issue coming back in....

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Update March 19 2012

Posted by David on Monday, March 19, 2012,

Been pretty hot and muggy here this week, taking it easy to start.

Axle: Doing good. Learning fast, heel, sit, and sit stay are all coming along fine. His attitude is ok, he says it sucks to grow up. Rules and more rules, oh well little pup time to be a big dog!

Rowdy: Obedience tune up going great, understands most so just making request into commands.

Vanna: Knocking the dust off with obedience tune-up, doing great and attitude is very good.

Anhi: Has been doing CD training and needs t...

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Update March 2012 Meet the Crew

Posted by David on Saturday, March 17, 2012,

Axle: Black Lab male born sept. 2011  I bought Axle to resell as a started dog, so far so good. Obeidence has started.

Rowdy: Chessie female born summer 2011. Owned by the Swaffords. Obedience, Force Fetch and as far into handling as she can go before I head back north.

Vanna: Chessie female  returning to finish JH and beyond.

Anhi: chessie female   Returning to run JH and may go further.

Violet: Chessie female  Returning to run JH and beyond.

Cemmy: Chessie Female  Looking to run SH a...

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