Axle: Black Lab male born sept. 2011 I bought Axle to resell as a started dog, so
far so good. Obeidence has started.
Rowdy: Chessie female born summer 2011. Owned by the
Swaffords. Obedience, Force Fetch and as far into handling as she can go before
I head back north.
Vanna: Chessie female
returning to finish JH and beyond.
Anhi: chessie female
Returning to run JH and may go further.
Violet: Chessie female
Returning to run JH and beyond.
Cemmy: Chessie Female
Looking to run SH and beyond
Sonny: Chessie Male Will be running SH and beyond.
Dandy: Chssie female Returning to do her JH and may go further.
Albert: Chessie male
Will be return after he finishes his CD, will be running SH and byond.
Chilli: Chessie female looking to finish her SH.
Scout: Chessie Male Looking to run MH.
Posted by David.