Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

4 April Update

April 5, 2011
Anhi:Doing very good. Collar Conditioning done and well into hold. Going a little slower than most of my dogs, but making progress every day.

Gunner: Trained Retrieve through walking fetch is done. Having some issues withe collar fetch.

Vanna:Done with all of the Trained Retrieve and well on her way in 3 Handed Cast.

Dandy: Doing well with Force to Pile.

Violet: Have decided to take Her back to 3 Handed Cast and start over. Having some confusion even at this stag.

Cemmy: Trained great all week and past her 1st JH hunt test. Slight delivery issue other wise she was great.

Albert:  Lost mind girls in season. Hopefully better this week.

Chili: Broke at another hunt test, automatic failure. Spayed today and am reconsidering her competitive status.

Scout: Lost mind, not as bad as his son but not concentrating either.

28 March Update

March 29, 2011
Anhi: Doing great almost done with collar conditioning.

Gunner:Trained Retrieve doing great, already working on collar fetch.

Vanna: Also doing great. Done with Trained Retrieve and ready for 3 handed cast.

Dandy: Stick to pile done. Doing great all around.

Violet: Marking well, steady. Still working on remote sit, she just has a hard time sitting when not at heel.

Cemmy: Doing great on marks. Control is slowly coming in blinds. JH test next weekend.

Albert: Doing good. Marks and blinds as well as ...
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21 March Update

March 22, 2011
Anhi: Obedience is good. Stays need work.

Gunner: Great Collar Conditioning going good. Hold is also good.

Vanna:Trained Retrieve is done on to Walking Fetch.

Dandy: 3 Handed Cast and intro to Indirect Pressure good and done.

Violet:Good attitude, marking good. Still working on remote sits some days better than others.

Cemmy: Marking is great. Blinds needs to work with me.

Albert:Improving most days. Does get an attitude when he decides it's not a good day to work.

Chili: Doing good all around.

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14 March Update

March 14, 2011
Full scheduale this week, as we have migrated south to warmer temps. Remington, sonny, and Sia ended up staying north, they will be down in April.

Anhi: Doing good, did not forget to much. Sit, heel, and down all coming along nicely.

Gunner: He is a Vanna littermate, born here a year ago. Gunner will be with us for about 10 weeks. His obedience is fair, sit, heel, and down are all doing good.

Vanna: Starting hold and doing great.

Dandy: Here is no longer a request and we are starting 3 handed cas...
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7 March Update

March 7, 2011
Still on a restricted training schedule this week a little obedience drills and some fun for all.

Vanna: Went to her 1st conformation dog show this weekend. Behaved very well, was not affected by all the new expereinceses at all. All so won her puppy class. Was just there on Sunday.

Violet: was at the dog show all weekend. Behaved fairly well, did not do too much in the ring.

Albert: Dog show all weekend, Behaved but did not do any good in  the ring. Being a Champion already it is either all or...
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28 Febuary Update

February 27, 2011
Not much work this week, some obedience and fun time. Just a little too much snow and cold here in MI. Back to TN soon so not much reason to train in poor weather.

All dogs doing good.
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21 February Update

February 21, 2011
Anhi: Started some hand thrown marks with bumpers and birds. Good. Stayed in TN.

Vanna: Obedience into light retrieving work is going fine.

Dandy: Retrieved birds agian before I left her in TN.

Cemmy: Marks and drills doing fine.

Violet: Learning drills and marking fine. We take things pretty slow with her.

Sia: As usaule learning fast and giving it his best.

Sonny: Marks, drills and obedince, working me pretty hard.

Albert: Marking well and having fun. Drills are fine too.

Remington: Working fine, ...
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14 February Update

February 21, 2011
Sorry this weeks update is late, between projects, loss of internet connection, and traveling back to MI it just did not happen.

Anhi: Obedience is coming along fine. A very willing student.

Vanna: Finished Collar conditioning. Doing some light retrieving work.

Dandy: Getting her obedience back on track. Did some light retrieving work with bumpers. very good.

Cemmy: Falling right back into the working schedule and all is well. Did some drill work this week.

Violet: Learning drills and perfecting s...
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7 February Update

February 7, 2011
Anhi: Obedince good. Took a Reserve Winners Bitch 1 day at the Atlanta dog show this past weekend.

Vanna: Obedince good, started collar conditioning.

Dandy. Obedince good, recall is being tested. Retrieving good, hand thrown bumpers.

Cemmy: Off the injured list. Obedenice good. Blind work O.K. for the time off. Glad to be working agian.

Violet: Obedince good. Was at the Atlanta dog show this past weekend.

Sia: Obedince good. Doing blind work pretty good.

Sonny: Obedince good. Blind work and wagon w...
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31 January Update

February 1, 2011
Anhi: Obedience doing very good. Heel,sit, down and stays all coming together. Also working on conformation show stand, that is good too.

Vanna: Obedience is going great. Heel, sit, down, stays and here all being learned quickly.

Dandy: Obedience tune-up good, ready for some field tune-up next.

Cemmy: Obedience tune-up good, knee is all heeled this coming week so light field work on the way.

Violet: Obedience tune-up great. Ready for some field work.

Sia: Obedience tune-up very good. Ready for fi...
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