Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

24 January Update

January 25, 2011
Anhi: Obedience training, doing fine.

Vanna: Obedeince training coming along fine.

Dandy: Obedeince tunu-up going good, no problems.

Cemmy: Obedeince Tune-up and knee rehab. Doing great.

Violet: Obedience tune-up and remedial sit , doing great. We will fianlly have sit.

Sia: Obedeince Tune-up and a little hunting. Doing good.

Sonny: Obedience tune-up and fixing a sit (steadieness) issue. Doing great.

Albert: Obedince tune- up and geting ready for rally and CD work. Doing great.

Remington: Pulling him out of moth balls, obedience tune-up going great. Will will see if the boy wants to work my way.

Scout: Obedience tune-up and a little hunting too. Doing great.

Chili:Another one I am pulling out to see if they want to work. Been hunting and doing great, even getting some steadieness, her main issue.

17 January Update

January 16, 2011
Will be getting into a regular training schedule this coming week. Watch for regular updates on Mondays.

Only have my or co-owned dogs in right now, I guess the others are still hunting. Hope all are getting lots of work.

Vanna, Violet, Dandy, Scout, Albert, Sia, Cemmy, Chilly, Remington, and Sonny are all ready to shake off some "kennel fever".

Happy New Year!!!
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December Up Date

December 29, 2010
Pretty much shut down for the Holidays, will be back to a regular routine after the New Year.

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29 November Update

November 29, 2010
Doing some obedience with Vanna, Violet, Sonny, and Sia. Otherwise we are still hunting. Getting into a little bit of a training routine in the afternoons.

Albert has bred Ember twice. Look for the puppies, due to be born in about 2 mounths.
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22 November Update

November 23, 2010
Teal: Went home, all is well. She did great for her appointment with her owners. They were very impresed.

Been mainly hunting the others and not training to much. Will be back into training soon. This maybe becouse I have no client dogs in for a little bit.

Albert: Back from TN to do a breeding.
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15 November Update

November 15, 2010
Vanna: Obedenice is very good. Went to the vet for the limp, all seems fine. Must be soft tissue damage, if she would calm down it might heal.

Teal: Stesading nicely and running good.

Violet: Working mainly on sit still. Some good improvement. Dog show las tweek end, acted fine no points.

Sia: Not steady out hunting, atleast once the goose was headed down.

Scout: Dog show, did not like the judge. No points either.

Albert: Down With Ranee finished his show Champion title.
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8 November Update

November 15, 2010
Vanna: Obedince is good. Starting sit stay's and auto sits ared oing good. Still limping.

Teal:Issues all worked out retrieving nicely. Steading has started.

Violet: Wagon Wkeel, walking baseball, stedyness drills and obedince. Working on her sit any way I can think of.

Sia: Steady in training.

Scout: Hunting good not getting many birds this week.
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1 November Update

November 4, 2010
Vanna: Doing fine in Obedience.

Teal: Haveing some issues but should work out quikly.

Violet: Wagon Wheel is helping and marking fine.

Sia: OFFICAL GOOSE DOG  He dug a crippled giant canada out of the cattials. It was flapping and honking but no match for Sia.

Scout: Hunting fine still waiting for a good shoot.
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25 October Update

October 26, 2010
Vanna: Starting her Obedience at 5 mounths old. Will not come when called, slight problem. Sit,heal, and hear coming along very good for the 1st week.

Teal: Doing very good, done through walking fetch. Had some issues today with collar fetch. Steadyness is coming along nicely for what little work we have done so far.

Suzie: done with the trained retrieve and wqent home today.

Violet: Doing much better, starting to work on some of our "line" issues with wagon wheel. Had a nice job on her flyer to...
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18 October Update

October 19, 2010
Teal: Doing good done with Collar Conditioning and Starting hold.

Suzie: Done with ear pinc and walking fetch and stick fetch. Working on birds and gun station marks. Doing great.

Violet: Finally starting to sit on the whistle. Have moved into pattern blinds and learning much better.

Sia and Scout: Mainly hunting, Both are doing fine in the feild and having fun. Sia is progressing into a proven hunting dog quickly.
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