Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

11 October Update

October 11, 2010
Teal: New dog in for Trained Retreive and some steadiness work. Setling in nicely.

Suzzie: Another new dog in for Trained Retreive, setteled in and done with hold. Started Ear Pinch and doing great.

Violet: Starting to see more progresson sit and getting some things striaght. Marking well and attitude is good.

Sia: Training and hunting, doing good. Haveing a slight steadiness issue in the feild.

Scout: Doing fine in training and hunting well too.

4 October Uodate

October 7, 2010
Violet: Making progress slowly, starting to remote site and becoming steady.

Sia: Doing good ready for more hunting.

Albert: Training has been fine. Took Best of Breed booth days at the Murfeesbouro dog show this past weekend. Left in TN with Ranee for shows and obedience competions.

We have returned to MI and are getting ready for hunting. Will have 1 or 2 new training dogs for next weeks updates.

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27 September Update

September 28, 2010
Violet: Doing fine, still working on sit. Small inprovment.

Sia: Doing great, does everything I ask.

Albert: Goofy but doing fine.
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20 September Update

September 21, 2010
Not training a whole lot right now.

Violet: Still working thru sit on the whistle, light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Also went to MI for a weekend dog show, took Reserve Winners Bitch on Saturday.

Sia: Stayed with me in Tn for the week end, and work on blinds and ran a few marks off the dog stand. He also finished TN's woodduck and teal season with a 2 bird day. Turning into a nice well rounded hunting dog very quickly.

Albert: working thru his hunting issues, finally. Also went to th...
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13 September update

September 17, 2010
Doves are very slow, but the woodducks and teal have been ok.

Sia had a 3 bird day his 1st retrieve I helped him with, but he did fine. His 2nd was text book, he marked it was sent and did a quick handle in the lilly pads to pick up the bird as fast as possible. His 3re was a cripple in the Soybeans and really made me proud, he did great. He is going to make a lucky family a very nice pet/ hunting dog.
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6 September Update

September 17, 2010
Doves have been slow.

Sia got his 1st hunting retreives and did fine on the dove's.
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30 August Update

September 17, 2010
Violet: Still having sit issue's.


Sia: Has 1 Junior leg.

Albert: Doing fine.

Scout: Training good.

Smokey is back with her family and the other 4 are down in TN with me for some dove and early duck hunting.
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23 August update

September 17, 2010
Violet: Having some sit issues on T.

Smokey: Ready For the Hunt Test this coming week end.

Sia: Also ready for what will be his 1st hunt test.

Albert: Doing fine still.

Scout: Still advancing and relaxed.
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16 August Update.

September 17, 2010

Violet: Having lots of young dog issue's. Sucking into gun stations and not picking up crippled birds. Good Attitude should be fine shortly.

Smokey: Still running great.

Brooke: Doing fine no big deal.

Sia: Marking and handling fine, Michelle is running in a hunt test soon.

Albert: Still on track and doing fine.

Scout: Doing good, advanced work seems to be agreeing with him.

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9 August Update

August 9, 2010
Reese: Doing good on handling, just some hunting basics not to fancy. Marking and retrieveing bumpers very good. Still haveing issues with ducks. Seems to be getting better.

Violet: Working on burn to pile and marks. May need to revisit some obedince.

Smokey: Running great for Michelle. No more recall issues.

Brooke: Settled in and doing good. Can tell the owners have worked on doubles already.

Sia: Advanceing quickly. Doing good on both marks and blinds. Have started simple cold blinds.

Albert: ...
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