Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

2 August Update

August 9, 2010
Reese: Doib good on bumpers, still no ducks

Violet:Stck to plie and doing good. Running hard on marks.

Bunsy: Doing great and gone home.

Smokey: Michelle is starting to run her. Doing fine. Wants to recall to me if I am on the gunstation.

Sia: Dstractions on pattern blinds. Michelle is running on marks, doing good.

Albert: Starting to improve. Running good

Scout:Doing good.

Brooke: In for doubles/WDX training.

26 July Update

July 26, 2010
Reese: doing ok. Just need to get him picking up thrown bumpers and ducks.

Violet: Done with 3 handed Cast and ready to move on. Swimming better too.

Bunsy: Running JH marks. Ready for his WD test.

Smokey: Passed both her JH tests this weekend. Way to go Smokey, 3 out of 4 and 1 to go!!! Issue from last week FIXED.

Sia: Taught blinds going GREAT. Ran his 1st cold water blind, Great.

Albert: Failed both days this week too. Found his issue. It is LACK OF COMMUNICATION, will be easy to fix. No tests ...
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19 July Update

July 21, 2010
Reese: Doing good force fetch is almost done, just collar fetch left. Obedience is good.

Violet: Learning fast, doing 3 handed cast. Having lots of fun too.

Bunsy: Marking very well and runing hard.

Smokey: Passed 1 and failed 1 JH test at Finger Lakes Hunt Test this weekend. Found a small training issue, already starting to fix it.

Sia: Done with Swim-by and marking well.

Sonny: Earned his JH Title at Finger Lakes this past weekend. He was handled on all passes by his 15 yaer old owner. Congradul...
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12 July Update

July 12, 2010
Reese: Doing good had a little bump this week.

Violet: Walking fetch is done and stick fetch is heading into collar fetch.

Bunsy: Done with Force Fetch and running regular marks. Doing great.

Smokey: Marking and hunting well. Distance issue working out.

Sia: Done with water force and into swim by, doing good. Posted as a started dog, on the web site.

Sonny: Did not come over this week.

Albert: Running good and trying hard.

Scout: Still working great.

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5 July update

July 5, 2010
Reese: Done with Collar Conditioning and ready for "hold".

Violet:Done with "Ear Pinch". Into "walking Fetch". Doing fine.

Bunsy: Done with "ear Pinch, "wlaking Fetch". Onto stick and Collar Fetch. Working great, Attitude is fine.

Smokey: Some distance issues but working through it fast.

Sia: Done with TT. On to Swim By this week> Marking great and running strong.

Sonny: Ready to finish his JH and move right up into Senior.

Albert:Running good. Blinds are coming and marks are great.

Scout: Doing gre...
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28 June update

July 5, 2010
Reese: Working on obedince. Doing fine.

Violet: Working on "hold", progressing fine.

Bunsy: Well into "force", Working on the buck, being stubborn.

Breeze: Went home and seems to be working well for mom and dad.

Smokey: Just came back ing on Sunday.

Sia: Debolted on the TT. Other wise doing fine.

Sonny: HIGH, but steady and working well both marks and blinds.

Albert: Spirtits are good marking well. Working through our blind issue.

Scout: Running great all around.

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24 June Training update

June 24, 2010
Welcome to the new site.

The dogs that are in training now are Breeze, Scout,Albert,Sia,Sonny,Violet,Bunnsy (Cinnimon Buns) and Reese. All are doing fine, Scout passed his Senior Test and Breeze passed her Junior test this past weekend at the Buckeye RC Hunting Test. Check back often as regular updates will start on Monday June 27 and be posted every Monday there after. We are also now back in Michigan.
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TN Training

May 24, 2010

May 3

Dandy:Finished Collar Conditioning

Smokey:Done with Hold.

Sia:Marking well starting main line of "T".

Hank:Marking and steadiness good, Has not lost much over the winter.

Breezy:Obedince is good and marking fine.

Albert:Marking and blinds are on track.

Scout:Marks and blind doing good, running happy.

May 10

Dandy:Force Fetch going fine. Done with the "buck", onto small bumber.

Smokey:Walking Fetch into Collar Fetch. going fine, does not like collar corrections, neither did her...

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TN Training

May 24, 2010

April 26

 Vioet; went back North with Michelle

 Dandy; Into collar conditioning and moving right along.

Smoeky; CC done moving right into hold. Doing great.

Sia; Still marking well getting back to handeling.

Breezy; Passed a JH this weekend, I found an issue or 2 on Saturday, but recovered enough for Sundays test.

Hank; Back in from last year and seems to be falling right back in line.

Albert; Also passed a JH, but could not make it 2 days in a row.

Scout; Running the happyest I have ...

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TN training

May 24, 2010

April 19

Violet: Doing great, few issues this week. Down is much better.

Dandy: Also doing great on obedeince

Smokey: 1st week and doing great. Checked obedince and started Collar Conditioning.

Sia: Marking coming back with a short brake in handiling work.

Breezy:Ducks are back and so is her marks. Doing some great work this week.

Albert: Same boy as the last few weeks, doing good and getting better.

Scout: Attitude is good and he is even taking corrections and working through mistakes...

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