Weather has cooled down some, much more comfortable for us snow birds.
Axle: Collar Conditioning done. Into Hold and Force
Fetch/Trained Retrieve, fighting just a little. Has a minor distance block for
Rowdy: Force Fetch/Trained Retrieve done, into Walking Fetch
and started Collar Fetch. Marks are good.
Vanna: Marks on land and water are good. Still showing she
does not completely understand casting.
Anhi: Marking well, swimming not improving.
Violet: Marks and blinds doing just fine, some days better
than others.
Cemmy: Still running great, marks, blinds, land, and water.
Sonny: NUUUUTTTSSSSSS!!!!! Doing good, still needs work on water
Dandy: Coming along ok, does not have good work ethic. Cannot
have mom any were around.
Albert: Reentered the field life with a bang. Running hard
and having fun, doing very well all the way around.
Chilli: Finally seems to be in shape. Training is good
blinds and marks.
Scout: Doing better this week, seems to be happy and wants
to work.