Beau: In for some obedience and maybe force fetch. Doing

well so far.

Scarlet: Hold done onto ear pinch.

Titan: Obedience doing good learning fast.

Curly: Obedience check and collar conditioning done. Now for collar fetch, 1st day had some issues.

Axle: TT is good sitting very fast now. Cast are good too. Marks are fine.

Rowdy: Hopefully ready for her 1st Junior Hunting Test this coming weekend.

Vanna: Doing great marks and blinds, land and water. Gonna try to finish her JH this coming wqeekend.

Millett: Gone back home, see ya soon girl.

Violet: Doing a little better this week again. Hopefully she keeps improving.

Cemmy: Had 8 pups on Sunday, check out pics at soon.

Dandy: Did good this week. Running this weekend at the Junior on Saturday only.

Albert: Having lots of fun and doing good work. Great attitude and doing some nice work. Running Senior this coming weekend.

Chilli: Not sure what I am doing with her. May retire her with only 1 SH leg needed.

Scout: Running great, and a very good attitude.