Scarlet: Collar conditioning done, starting hold
Titan: Force fetch done through Walking Fetch, on to some
Curly: Force Fetch through walking fetch done. Now will not
pick up bumpers when thrown. On to Obedience and Collar Conditioning, then we
will go back and do some Collar Fetch.
Axle: Marks are doing very well, made some long trips this
week. TT is doing ok, having trouble stopping at over 50 yds.
Rowdy: Marks and blinds did great work this week. Entered in
her 1st Hunting Test, did some nice long marks this week.
Vanna: Running very well, great attitude.
Millett: Gone back home, see ya soon girl.
Violet: Attitude is improving, doing pretty good when she
wants to.
Cemmy: Puppies on the way any day now.
Dandy: Works much harder for birds than bumpers, doing ok.
Albert: Having lots of fun and doing good work. Trying hard
every day. Made some big tests look pretty easy this week.
Chilli: Not sure what I am doing with her. May retire her
with only 1 SH leg needed.
Scout: The big tests did not bother him at all, running