Update March 19 2012
Been pretty hot and muggy here this week, taking it easy to start.
Axle: Doing good. Learning fast, heel, sit, and sit stay are all coming along fine. His attitude is ok, he says it sucks to grow up. Rules and more rules, oh well little pup time to be a big dog!
Rowdy: Obedience tune up going great, understands most so just making request into commands.
Vanna: Knocking the dust off with obedience tune-up, doing great and attitude is very good.
Anhi: Has been doing CD training and needs to work on her field obedience, attitude is awesome!!
Violet: Obedience tune-up is great. Really seems to want to please this year
Cemmy: Obedience tune-up is good. Ready to get some birds.
Sonny: Obedience tune-up great. Really trying hard to please, ready for any challeange.
Dandy: Obedience tune-up fair. Needs a little work on down, other wise life is good.
Albert: Past 2 Cd legs this past weekend. Next chance in 2 weeks, only needs 1 more pass and back to the fun!!!
Chilli: Obedience tune-up is good, mostly. Will be concentrating on obedience all spring, not running until June.
Scout: Obedience tune-up is good. Fixing some long standing confidence issue’s, like chili in no hurry to start running tests. When he is ready we will enter.