Axle: On lead obedience is very good, should be in Collar
Conditioning late this week. Sit, heel, and down are all very good, stays are
coming fast.
Rowdy: Obedience is great, collar Conditioning is done. Will
start force fetch on Wenesday.
Vanna: Coming along well. Running her 1st blinds
and marking well too.
Anhi: Has BIIIG Mommy Factor, works ok when mom is not
around, but if mom is near forget it.
Violet: Blinds and marks are tuning up nicely. A little
remote sit issue coming back in.
Cemmy: Running hard and doing great.
Sonny: NUUUUTTTSSSSSS!!!!! Everything is at warp speed, doing pretty
good overall.
Dandy: Also mommy factored, not as bad as Anhi though. Not
running as well as Anhi when mom is not around.
Just not into retrieving at the moment.
Albert: Still waiting to run his CD test this coming
Chilli: Trying to strengthen and condition her physically.
Older dog just not in the swing yet. Training is good blinds and marks.
Scout: OK His poor working attitude is rearing its ugly head
a little, we shall see.