Beau: Retrieved a few geese over the weekend, testing his
owner some. Sounds like things are working out well.
Scarlet: At a little stand still , just not understanding
things right now.
Titan: Coming along fine with marks and steadying, blind
work is slow.
Curly: At home, all seem s to be fine.
Axle: Finally starting to see some good progress on steadying.
Rowdy: Not off to a very good start with Senior, slowly
improving every training session and test though.
Vanna: Not doing very well at Senior, am having some noticeable
improvement though.
Millett: Gone home , almost passed her last Senior test, is
having some obedience/Force Fetch issues. Back in for a big tune up.
Violet: Doing fine. Has good and bad days.
Cemmy: check out pics at Pups and mom
doing great. Pups all sold and mom ready to get back in the field.
Dandy: Has been showing some effort in training , maybe she
can move on to Junior.
Bunsy: Doing very good on marks, blinds are improving slowly.
Has started breaking.
Albert: Back in the swing of things and doing well.
Chilli: Not sure what I am doing with her. May retire her
with only 1 SH leg needed.
Scout: Running great, Michelle may try running a test.