Dusty Rose K-9 Trainers

Meet the 2013 Crew

February 12, 2013

Meet the 2013 Training Crew


Drake: A 7 month old black lab came in Sunday. Settling in great.

Titan: Back in, likes marks and is steadying nicely. Blind work is still very slow.

Axle: Have not tried to sell him very hard yet. Progressing all around nicely.

Vanna: Coming out of hunting season with a great attitude. Blinds and marks are very good.

Millett: Home right now, but should be back in later this spring.

Violet: With her mom on the show circuit for a while.

Cemmy: Back with a vengeance. Running hard and working great.

Albert: Back in the swing of things and doing well.

Scout: Running great, Michelle may try running a test. Attitude is about the best I have seen from him.




2012-13 Hunting pics

February 9, 2013
Few of the good days for Dusty Rose Dogs
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Update September 3

September 4, 2012


Beau: Retrieved a few geese over the weekend, testing his owner some. Sounds like things are working out well.

Scarlet: At a little stand still , just not understanding things right now.

Titan: Coming along fine with marks and steadying, blind work is slow.

Curly: At home, all seem s to be fine.

Axle: Finally starting to see some good progress on steadying.

Rowdy: Not off to a very good start with Senior, slowly improving every training session and test though.

Vanna: Not doing ve...

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Update August 20th

August 22, 2012

Update August 20

Been awhile since I got around to this, Owners have been getting their private and detailed updates though.


Beau: Has gone home, Obedience and Force Fetch done. Tried an ACC WD, did not give much effort. He should be good for his owners though, will be keeping in touch.

Scarlet: Done with Force through Walking Fetch and Collar Fetch. Starting 3 Handed Cast.

Titan: 3 Handed Cast done , working on Pile work.

Curly: Gone home, Force Fetch went very well. Should transfer ...

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Update July 23

July 27, 2012



Beau: Done with Collar Conditioning, doing just fine so far.

Scarlet: Force Fetch is going a little slow, having some aviodence issues. Working on Larg Bumper off ground, should be done soon.

Titan: Finished with Collar Conditioning, doing very good over all.

Curly: Moving on to pile work, still working on fetching at a distance under command.

Axle: On Pattern Blinds and starting to run double marks.

Rowdy: Passed both her JH tests!!!!Working on Pattern blinds and doubles.


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Update July 16

July 17, 2012


Beau: In for some obedience and maybe force fetch. Doing

well so far.

Scarlet: Hold done onto ear pinch.

Titan: Obedience doing good learning fast.

Curly: Obedience check and collar conditioning done. Now for collar fetch, 1st day had some issues.

Axle: TT is good sitting very fast now. Cast are good too. Marks are fine.

Rowdy: Hopefully ready for her 1st Junior Hunting Test this coming weekend.

Vanna: Doing great marks and blinds, land and water. Gonna try to finish her JH this c...

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Update July 9

July 11, 2012

Scarlet: Collar conditioning done, starting hold

Titan: Force fetch done through Walking Fetch, on to some obedience.

Curly: Force Fetch through walking fetch done. Now will not pick up bumpers when thrown. On to Obedience and Collar Conditioning, then we will go back and do some Collar Fetch.

Axle: Marks are doing very well, made some long trips this week. TT is doing ok, having trouble stopping at over 50 yds.

Rowdy: Marks and blinds did great work this week. Entered in her 1st Hunti...

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Update July 2

July 2, 2012

Scarlet: Here for some obedience and force fetch. Almost done with teaching obedience and ready to start Collar Conditioning.

Titan: Just a quick Force Fetch, doing great.

Curly: An almost 5 yr old CBR tha his owner has had trouble force fetching. Doing just great for me, in his 1st week. Buck and small bumper done.

Axle: Marks are great starting to run the big stuff. Main line of TT and force is done.

Rowdy: Marks and blinds did great work this week. Loves pheasant flyers.Vanna: Runni...

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Update June 18

June 19, 2012

Axle: Pile work and marks. Doing good on marks, starting to run to big dog setups. Pile is progressing nicely starting to sit on the whistle to pile.

Rowdy: Marks are improving and working on handiling.

Vanna: Steadying improving and doing nice work overall. Working on SH level marks and blinds.

Millett: Water force went very well, working on doubles too.

Violet: Back slid a little this week.

Cemmy: Whelping box under construction, looking forward to moving into the house.

Sonny: Gone...

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Update June 11

June 13, 2012

Sorry for the laps in updates. Got a little hectic coming back north. Will be on schedule from here on, watch for them on Mondays or early Tuesday.

Axle: Pile work and marks. Doing good on marks, starting to run to pile, finally.

Rowdy: Came North to run Junior and hopefully Senior Hunting Tests. Doing pretty good.

Vanna: Steadying improving and doing nice work overall.

Millett: Vanna’s sister in for a month or 2 for swim-by and handling tune-up.

Violet: Turning in some pretty nice w...

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